Pewter Ringed! STANLEY No. 923 Bit Brace 10 inch With Decal NEAR MINT in its Original Basket Weave Box 75481R - 75481R

$ 169.00
  • STANLEY No. 923 Bit Brace 10 inch With Decal NEAR MINT in its Original Basket Weave Box     75481R

Pewter Ringed! STANLEY No. 923 Bit Brace 10 inch With Decal NEAR MINT in its Original Basket Weave Box 75481R - 75481R

$ 169.00
Item #: 75481R

Near mint, with some scuffing around the perimeter of the head. The box has been taped. One brace.

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Near mint, with some scuffing around the perimeter of the head. The box has been taped. One brace.