Books: PATENTED TRANSITIONAL & METALLIC PLANES IN AMERICA 1827-1927 VOLUMES 1 & 2 by Roger K. Smith - 107482

$ 165.00
  • Books: PATENTED TRANSITIONAL & METALLIC PLANES IN AMERICA 1827-1927 VOLUMES 1 & 2 by Roger K. Smith - 107482

Books: PATENTED TRANSITIONAL & METALLIC PLANES IN AMERICA 1827-1927 VOLUMES 1 & 2 by Roger K. Smith - 107482

$ 165.00
Item #: 107482

Copyright 1981. 732 pages total. Hardcover. PTAMPIA is now out of print.

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Copyright 1981. 732 pages total. Hardcover. PTAMPIA is now out of print.